Part 7: This Game Has a Plot?

Welcome back to King's Quest III. Last time, you may remember, Gwydion finally got free from 17 years of oppressive slavery. Manannan is now permanently a cat and it's glorious.
>talk to cat

>kick cat

The timer continues, though the main driving force behind it is now gone. Now it mostly serves as a way to gauge how much time has passed. There's one more major "puzzle" coming up that has to deal with the passage of time, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. To be honest, if you fail that puzzle, then you've done something very, very wrong.
Anyway, let's get our shit and get going. There's two more spells we need to cast, and we still need to pick up an ingredient for one of them. So let's >get all and get going.

Now that we can understand animals, groups of them will infrequently talk out loud. Most of the ones in Llewdor will talk about Gwydion. Sadly, I couldn't get any of the conversations to trigger despite hanging around for a bit.
Just as well I guess, the animals will just casually drop story spoilers if you listen to them talk.
>talk to chickens

I love the magic map. Anyway, because we've done all the exploring, welcome to the part of the LP where I just start showing you pertinent screens.
If you think back several updates, you may remember me talking about sequence breaking in finding that lever. This is how you're supposed to find it. First, we need to enter the tavern.

The two bandits are hanging out in here.

They seem like nice folks. Let's introduce ourselves...

Alright, so let's try out the first spell we cast.
>dip fly in essence

True enough, Gwydion turns into that tiny pixel moving around erratically.

We can even move around while in fly form. So let's go looking for that tree...

The game doesn't give me a chance to do anything on this screen, else I'd try to turn back from a fly here. No funny deaths here, sadly. Anyway, that's enough of being a fly.

>fly begone myself return

So let's start the next timer counting down.
>dip eagle feather in essence
I was going to have a nice big gif of the next sequence. But apparently gooncam doesn't like it when you try to encode a 1200 frame gif. So instead, here's some screenshots.

We're on a roll, so let's go see what's in this cave that was being guarded by the spider. This, by the way, starts the next deadline. After we finish our business in this cave, a timer starts ticking down. We will have 30 in game minutes to get our shit and get out of Llewdor before the chance to do so is forever lost.
So just to be safe, don't remove the spider until you're absolutely ready for another time crunch.

NEXT TIME: We need to save our sister and our home, apparently. God dammit Graham.
List of Points
+3 - Spied on the bandits
+5 - Found the rope we used already
+4 - Taking the spider for a swim
+3 - Prince Gwydion
Total: 137/210